Our Model

1- Collection

Our process begins with the collection of clothing donations, facilitated by our dedicated representatives. We utilize a multifaceted logistics framework to gather items efficiently. Donations can be made through designated collection boxes located in various retail stores, or directly through partnerships with companies and factories. Additionally, we collaborate with Aramex for convenient collection from donors. This inclusive approach ensures that we can reach a broad segment of the community, encouraging participation from individuals and organizations alike.

2- Sorting

Once collected, the clothing is transported to our warehouses, where it undergoes a meticulous sorting process. Our trained staff sorts the donations into over 500 distinct categories, taking into account factors such as type, size, and condition. This detailed sorting is essential to ensure that we can meet the diverse needs of the communities we serve.

3- Processing 

At the Egyptian Clothing Bank, every item received through donations undergoes a thorough processing stage. This stage is crucial in ensuring that each piece is ready for distribution to our beneficiaries. The processing involves several key steps, beginning with quick fixes.

During the quick fixes stage, items are carefully inspected for any defects, such as fabric pilling or fabric tears. Skilled workers address these issues by stitching and making necessary repairs, ensuring that each piece is in good condition before it reaches its intended beneficiary. This meticulous attention to detail not only enhances the quality of the clothing but also extends the lifespan of the items, allowing for better utilization by underprivileged individuals and families. Other items go through the RATRU stage where defected pieces are transformed into distributable ones.Also, completely Worn-out and unusable clothes are shredded, subjected to a sterilization process to turn them into filling materials to manufacture heavy winter quilts, and then distribute it to our beneficiaries.

4- Manufacturing

It’s the process where The Egyptian clothing Bank manufactures items that are not found in the in-kind donations we receive. In collaboration with partner associations, the bank operates workshops dedicated to producing essential goods for the underprivileged including school uniforms, underwear sets..etc. By producing these items, The Egyptian Clothing bank fills the gaps left by donations, providing much-needed support to underprivileged families. In addition to manufacturing new items, the Egyptian Clothing Bank actively engages in recycling fabrics, which not only minimizes waste but also creates new resources for production.


Finally, our redistribution efforts span the entirety of Egypt, reaching underprivileged communities based on specific criteria that reflect the cultural  contexts of various regions. We aim to provide clothing that not only fulfills a basic need but also respects and aligns with the values and traditions of the beneficiaries.

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